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Paris, France

Lü, Revolutionizing Education in Paris

As part of the Participatory Budgets for schools and colleges of the City of Paris, the project “I Learn and Have Fun While Doing Sports” was submitted for the children’s and students’ consideration. And guess what? Lü was chosen!
For this project, more than twenty Lü ÜNO  will be installed in Parisian schools.

“The children love it! Every day they come and ask me, ‘When are we going to use Lü? When can we play a game?'” Jérémy Boulay, Educational Manager of the City of Paris.

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Learning through movement with Lü at OBS De Dolfijn in Zwijndrecht

In an effort to integrate modern technology into early education and promote active learning, OBS De Dolfijn decided to adopt Lü.

Teachers find Lü beneficial, as it aligns with the innovative digital learning methods being implemented in Dutch schools. The system allows for whole-class activities while giving students the opportunity to develop at their own pace.

“We work with many digital tools in an innovative school setting. Lü helps children learn better when they are moving. It’s amazing to see them all actively engaged and excited, which makes me enthusiastic too when I see the smiles on their faces.” – Ilvi Van Den Berg, Class Teacher.


Lü as a cooperation project between sports clubs and schools

In an effort to intensify the cooperation with local schools and to complement the children’s sports department with an exciting range of activities, SC Bayer Uerdingen has invested in 2 Lü systems over the last year:

“The Lü transforms the room into a completely different world. You are now the character that you usually play at home. That’s who you are here in the hall now. This is super nice. It really complements the sports lesson extremely. The children who otherwise do not move much at all are the ones we can catch with this.” – Christoph Wulf, children’s sports coach, SC Bayer Uerdingen


Installation, technical requirements & district deployment

“We knew in the decision making process that this was not just about bringing a projection system into the gyms, we knew it was about addressing the whole child. This is social-emotional learning, it’s the physical attached to the academic. So in bringing these to the school, the reaction has been just what we anticipated in terms of a lot of excitement and interest.” – Susan Uram, Educational Technology Director, Rockford Public Schools


Funding & post-pandemic engagement and attendance

“The Lü impacts my teaching through the ability to provide educational content in other academic subjects, matching that with physical education outcomes.”

“Some of the positives that we really see is the joy and excitement of children coming to school and making sure they have PE today.”


Digitalization of physical education

“We are living in the 21st century and it is clearly digital… and digitalization means digitalization in all areas, i.e. in administration, in teaching and of course in physical education if possible.”


City-wide implementation & an investment for the entire community

“What really captivates us with Lü is the movement. We move, and we learn” says Marthe Émond, executive director of the Commission Scolaire des Monts-et-Marées in Eastern Canada. Since they installed a Lü in each of their 19 schools, the school district proudly says “this is an asset for the whole community”.


Impact on special needs children and neuroplasticity

“Main thing for me is getting students engaged, all my students engaged, even the ones that are really out of shape, the ones that are not athletic” says Ed Brown, PE Teacher at the S.U.P.E.R Learning Center, a school specialized for special needs kids in Ohio. Lü allows teachers to go beyond the typical basketball nets and soccer goals.
“The lights from the Lü, the music, the screen, how its designed and how you interact with it is really helpful for kids with special needs”

District-wide implementation & technology integration in the gym

“The Lü transforms what a typical gym used to look like. I could not imagine a day when the Lü is not being use” says Mrs. Brittney Brown, principal at Willow Lake ES. Washington Township MSD equipped 8 of their Elementary schools with Lü. As the IT director Mike Kneebone says “There is the fun factor, but there is a lot more value there […] when you see the curricular pieces, it is certainly money well spent”.


Impact on PE teaching & cross-curriculum integration

“They want, they want, they want instead of… I guess. They want to be participating” says Ben Wells, PE Teacher at Bennett Ranch Elementary School in Colorado. Clearly Ben’s class would not be the same without their Lü. As one of his student says “we’re all working together and it’s amazing”!

Get started with Lü

Pricing, funding, product details, configuration, demo and more.